Workshop at the ERF2023

Workshop at the ERF2023

European Robotics Forum 2023

March 15th – Workshop on “Toward Multiscale Healthcare Robots”

Joint event between the Topic Groups Miniaturised Robotics & Healthcare Robotics

The objective of this workshop is to strengthen the interaction between the miniaturized robotics and the healthcare robotics communities. Developments in miniaturized robotics have resulted in multiple proofs-of-concept with great potential to be exploited in the healthcare domain. It concerns especially minimal-invasive surgery including (i) robotic intervention in confined space inside the body (e.g., in otolaryngology) and (ii) focused drug delivery via micro/nano-carriers (e.g., in the brain). It also finds application in cell engineering such as single cell sorting for biotherapies. This workshop will fill the gap and develop synergies between TG miniaturized robotics and TG healthcare robotics to promote and boost the development of multiscale robotic tools in healthcare.

We are thrilled to join the 10th edition of the European Robotics Forum and to contribute in the organization of this workshop.  A cornerstone event for the European Robotics community. See you from 14 to 16 March in Odense (DK)!

Prof. Riccardo Muradore


Thermal X wins the Start Cup Veneto

Thermal X wins the Start Cup Veneto


The first prize of the Start Cup Veneto 2022 goes to the ThermalX group of the IT department of the University of Verona and ALTAIR Robotics Lab.

Start Cup Veneto is the competition between innovative entrepreneurial ideas in the Veneto Region, it is financed and implemented by the universities of Verona, Padua and Iuav of Venice in collaboration with multiple partners, official site here

The ThermalX Team: Giacomo de Rossi, Claudia Daffara, Dumitru Scutelic, Salvatore Siracusano, Riccardo Muradore and Nicola Piccinelli. 

In addition to the first prize of the competition, worth 8,000 euros, ThermalX received the special prize in the Life Science category, worth 2,000 euros. The team was coordinated by Riccardo Muradore and Claudia Daffara, professors of the Computer Science Department, and consisted of Dumitru Scutelnic, PhD student in Computer Science, Giacomo De Rossi, research fellow in the Computer Science department and Nicola Piccinelli, PhD student in Computer Science and Salvatore Siracusano, professor at the University of L’Aquila.

The group proposed the design, construction and marketing of a new model of medical endoscope which combines the traditional three-dimensional vision available in MIS interventions with a 3D heat map superimposed on the image to provide temperature measurements where and when needed. Through innovative hardware and software, the thermal information provided by the ThermalX endoscope will allow to reduce the damages due to the use of the electrosurgical unit ensuring safer procedures for surgeons and reducing complications for patients.

Article on UnivrMagazine link
Article on Venetoeconomia link

Incontri di Robotica – Accademia di Verona

Incontri di Robotica – Accademia di Verona

1° Incontro aperto sulla Robotica medica con il Prof. Paolo Fiorini 

Il Laboratorio di robotica ALTAIR presso l’Università degli studi di Verona inaugura una stagione di incontri con il pubblico sul tema della robotica medica autonoma e delle macchine intelligenti
Il sapere accademico si racconta in un confronto aperto ai cittadini sulle nuove tecnologie e le loro implicazioni a livello sociale ed etico, con un Relatore di eccellenza il Prof. Paolo Fiorini.

Giovedì 20 Ottobre 2022 | Ore 17:00

Accademia di agricoltura scienze e lettere di Verona
Via Leoncino, 6, 37121 Verona VR

Ingresso gratuito + Diretta su Youtube


L’Italia è tra i paesi leader nel campo della ricerca scientifica in robotica (tra le prime al mondo per il numero di citazioni per pubblicazione), ma questo bagaglio di conoscenze è per lo più limitato al mondo accademico.

Come laboratorio di robotica ALTAIR crediamo che i tempi siano maturi per trasformare questo potenziale di conoscenze in spinta industriale ad alto impatto sociale. I poli di aziende di robotica stanno nascendo e il trasferimento tecnologico è in crescita, ma le comunità e le persone sono pronte a questo cambiamento?

Invecchiamento della popolazione, mancanza di manodopera qualificata, mobilità sostenibile, salute digitale sono solo alcuni dei grandi temi che ci attendono e che avranno effetto sulla quotidianità di ciascuno di noi, non solo dal punto di vista economico, ma anche sociale ed etico.

Crediamo che l’educazione degli adulti e la formazione continua possano portare a una comunità informata e sensibile, in grado di affinare gli strumenti per comprendere il proprio tempo ed esserne protagonista. Accanto alle missioni tradizionali di insegnamento e ricerca, la Terza Missione universitaria si occupa infatti di favorire lo scambio e lo sviluppo reciproco tra l’Università e il territorio, ed è questo che ci auguriamo di fare con questi incontri. 

Organizzazione e info:

Prof. Paolo Fiorini

Prof. Paolo Fiorini

Esperto di sistemi autonomi medicali, Direttore del Laboratorio di robotica ALTAIR e docente Univr, socio corrispondente dell'Accademia di Agricoltura Scienze e Lettere.

La mia area di ricerca riguarda l’automazione e la robotica, soprattutto in aree non convenzionali, come ad esempio la medicina e la chirurgia, l’esplorazione e il comando a distanza di dispositivi fisici. Negli ultimi anni, mi sono occupato soprattutto degli aspetti relativi alla chirurgia robotica, sviluppando nuovi algoritmi e, con una azienda da me fondata, progettando anche un nuovo robot chirurgico.
Anche se quest’area è sempre al centro della mia ricerca, la diffusione delle tecnologie dell’Internet of Things, e dell’Industria 4.0 mi permette di applicare i concetti sviluppati per l’area medica anche ad applicazioni convenzionali come l’automazione e la robotica industriale. Anche in queste aree infatti, la nuova generazione di robot industriali permette il lavoro collaborativo e quindi i problemi della sicurezza del lavoro e della protezione da intrusioni informatiche sono diventati molto importanti.
Ultimamente ho ricevuto un finanziamento da parte della Comunità Europea per affrontare i problemi della chirurgia robotica autonoma, e cioè lo sviluppo di quelle funzioni “intelligenti” che permetteranno ai robot di collaborare con il chirurgo durante un intervento. Le stesse tecniche si potranno applicare anche a campi diversi, perché si basano sull’analisi di grandi moli di dati, i “big data”, e sull’uso di metodi di apprendimento automatico, “machine learning”. I sistemi robotici che stiamo sviluppando permetteranno quindi di eseguire delle azioni specifiche, apprese elaborando i dati di situazioni precedenti e sulla base dei dati correnti.

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DAUSY PhD research program

DAUSY PhD research program

The National Ph.D. Program in Autonomous Systems

📣 OPEN POSITION 📣 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗵𝗗 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 [𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽]

3 years fully paid Scholarship – Industrial PhD in Causal machine learning 


  • 3 years fully paid scholarship
  • 12 months of industrial experience in a leading company
  • 6 months study and research at Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
  • 12K Euros extra funding for personal support
  • Deadline for application: September 12, 2022
  • Starting date: November 1, 2022


The Altair Robotics Laboratory at the University of Verona invites applicants from aspiring Ph.D. students with a focus on algorithms for machine learning and causal inference.

The project is entitled “Causal representation learning for time series monitoring in continuous food manufacturing processes”.

The goal is to implement causal machine learning techniques to control and optimize continuous manufacturing productions within a plant-wise approach.

The candidate will be supervised by Professor Paolo Fiorini and co-supervised by Diego Dall’Alba.



The candidate should be highly motivated and interested in undertaking innovative and challenging research activities involving both theoretical analysis and experimental validation, in strong connection with an Italian company, specialized in processed food manufacturing, which will be the final user of the applications.

Technical and soft skills are strongly required to meet, during the research, a continuous trade-off between industrial needs and research challenges.



Applicants must hold a master’s degree in Computer Science or Engineering, with a good background in design, analysis, and implementation of ML algorithms or areas related to data driven modeling. Solid statistical and coding skills are necessary. Proficiency in both spoken and written English is required.



This scholarship is part of the National Doctoral program (Ph.D.) in AUtonomous SYstems (DAUSY) (Scholarship n°33).

The grant provides, in addition to the monthly salary, funding for a research period abroad of 6 months with the prestigious Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) and a year of industrial experience with the Mafin S.r.l. company (Padova, Italy), a European leader in snack pellet production with the possibility of employment at the end of studies.

The Ph.D. student will have at his/her/their disposal 12.000 Euros extra funds for the personal support (purchase of materials, participation in training events, etc.).



In order to enroll in the Ph.D. program, candidates must pass a public competition regulated by a specific Call for Applications. Info here



HSMR 2022

HSMR 2022

We are glad to announce our contribution to the annual Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics from 26th – 29th June 2022 at the Royal Geographical Society, London UK.

The annual symposium is the highlight event of the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery, at Imperial College London. It provides a forum for international surgeons and engineers to network and share the latest developments in medical robotics, attracting world-leading scientists, engineers and clinical practitioners from a wide range of disciplines associated with medical robotics and surgery.

26th June 2022, 08.00 with Paolo Fiorini

Workshop on Low cost Medical and Surgical Robotics

In this workshop we want to explore the difficulties and the benefits of developing low cost medical robotic devices that can guarantee top performance at a fraction of the cost of current devices. 

> link here

26th June 2022, 08.00 with Diego Dall’Alba 

Workshop on Sensing and biophotonics for surgical robotics and in vivo diagnostics

This workshop will bring together clinicians and researchers to exchange ideas on the current state-of-the-art and future trends in sensing and biophotonics for surgical robotics and other clinical applications.

> link here

29th June 2022, 09.00 with Paolo Fiorini

Workshop on Autonomy and shared autonomy in endoluminal approaches for soft surgical robots

This workshop will give researchers and representatives from the field (clinic/industry) the opportunity to highlight the latest advances in embedding autonomy and shared autonomy in robotic approaches to endoluminal surgery and vascular interventions.

> link here

29th June 2022, 09.00 with Riccardo Muradore

Workshop on Image-Guided and Collaborative Medical Robotics 

The workshop will cover human-robot collaborative systems aimed at allowing safe, flexible, and swift operation in complex workspaces. Deployment designs and safety measures to overcome known technical drawbacks during human interaction will be discussed. The need for the integration of robotic systems into the interventional operating room (OR) will be covered including fast and reliable communication between all present devices.

> link here