It’s time for the ribbon cutting

It’s time for the ribbon cutting

On Friday 18 September 2020 we had the pleasure of celebrating the beginning of two important journeys that bring the world of research closer to the needs of the Territory and put the University a growing relationship with the productive realities that animate the Verona area.

The common goal of the ICE Lab and the ODINO Project is to create value, skills, and employment through a process of technology transfer for young people approaching the market and those workers who need a new qualification or learning new skills.

ICE – Industrial Computer Engineering Lab Verona

The inauguration of the ICE Laboratory – Industrial Computer Engineering Lab, of the Department of Computer Science – University of Verona – is born in the context of the Excellence Project “Industria per l’Informatica 4.0” won by the Computer Science Department. Located in the suggestive industria archaeological area of the “Magazzini Generali”, ICE Laboratory is easily reachable and well connected to the city center.

For us, at ALTAIR it was an opportunity to present to companies our latest research in the field of robotics and create new connections and networks for future collaborations.

In the photos Paolo Fiorini, Riccardo Muradore, and Diego Dall’Alba.

Go to the article on UNIVR Online Magazine

ODINO – Officine d’Innovazione

The inauguration of the Officina ODINO Soave is the first step of the ODINO – Officine D’Innovazione Project [Innovation Workshops] which offers free training excellence courses for young people aged 16 to 30 in the Verona area.

The project was possible thanks to the Cariverona Foundation and consists of the creation of two different Innovation workshops specialized in the sectors of viticulture (Soave) and manufacturing industry 4.0 (Verona).

The Officina ODINO Verona is preparing to open in January 2021, and will be located at the General Ex-Market, next to the ICE Laboratory, and will offer basic and specialized training in Industry 4.0 and robotics, in collaboration with manufacturing companies of the area.


In the photos Paolo Fiorini and the Project partners: 
Gaetano Tebaldi – Mayor of the Municipality of Soave
Angelo Dalli Cani – Director of the Municipality of Soave – Social activities
Andrea D’Angelo – President of the SAFE Association

Go to the ODINO project website


ERF2020 – Participation cancelled

ERF2020 – Participation cancelled

Verona, 3 March 2020


Official Press Release


Due to Regional restrictions caused by the recent COVID-19 health alert, we are sorry to communicate that we won’t be able to attend the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2020 Edition in Malaga, Spain. 

For this reason the booth reserved to the University of Verona could not be set up.

The workshop “Robotics in lighthouse areas” scheduled for the 5 March, will be conducted by teleconference (see below). 

The decision was taken as a precautionary measure since the situation is evolving rapidly in both Italy and Europe.

We wish the Conference success and hope to see you all in June at the Hamlyn Symposium of Robotics for the workshop “Towards Robotic Autonomy in Surgery”.


With Regards,

Paolo Fiorini
Riccardo Muradore
Francesco Setti
Marta Capiluppi
Martina Doppio

Don't miss the workshop "Robotics in lighthouse areas"

Introduction by Dr Riccardo Muradore & Dr Marta Capiluppi
Talks by Prof Paolo Fiorini, Prof Elena De Momi, Prof Sanja Dogramadzi, Dr Gernot Kronreif,Prof Andreas Melzer, Dr Francesco Setti.

Festival del Futuro

Festival del Futuro

Ethical robots to help the elderly population.

Paolo Fiorini was one of the speakers of the Festival del futuro in the session “Living healthier and longer: challenges and promises for the next decade”, talking in particular about the development of robotics to support aging.

Complete speech [IT LANG]

Robotics, home automation and sensors for an aging society? In Verona we have an excellent center in this regard. The research deals with exploiting robotics to improve and monitor treatments but also mobility, we think of exoskeletons.

But also artificial intelligence can intervene in cognitive support, in this field there are many studies in particular in support of surgery or in the recognition of the onset of diseases. We must design solutions that are respectful of ethics and communication and new types of education and training must be developed to allow the conscious use of new technologies without being dominated by them. 

Festival del Futuro

The first edition of the Festival del Futuro took place in Verona on 16 and 17 November 2019. A two-day journey and plenty of meetings with 38 future makers of our time: scientists, doctors, economists, entrepreneurs, environmental and geopolitics experts.

More information at the official website:

CARS 2019

CARS 2019

Computer Assisted Radioloy and Surgery Conference

Rennes, 18-21 June 2019

It was a pleasure for us to participate in one of the most important forums for innovation in healthcare technology.

Paper presentation: Tagliabue, E., Dall’Alba, D., Magnabosco, E., Tenga, C., Peterlik, I., & Fiorini, P. (2019). Position-based modeling of lesion displacement in ultrasound-guided breast biopsy. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 1-11

Official website:

In the picture: Hirenkumar Chandarant Nakawala, Eleonora Tagliabue, Bogdan Maris.

Robotica, trasformazione digitale e apprendimento

Robotica, trasformazione digitale e apprendimento

9 maggio 2019, ore 9.30 presso l’Istituto tecnico-tecnologico Ferraris, Via del Pontiere, 40, Verona

Una giornata dedicata all’innovazione tecnologica

Speedhub, il Digital Innovation Hub di Confindustria Verona, in collaborazione con Comau, azienda italiana leader nei prodotti e sistemi di automazione industriale avanzata, e con il dipartimento di Informatica dell’ateneo, promuove l’evento “Robotica, trasformazione digitale e apprendimento”, che si terrà il 9 maggio alle 9.30 all’istituto tecnico-tecnologico Ferraris.

L’evento si aprirà con i saluti di Franco Fummi e di Riccardo Muradore, docenti di Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni dell’ateneo scaligero, che presenteranno il progetto di eccellenza del dipartimento “Informatica per Industria 4.0e la nuova laurea magistrale in Robotics & digital manufacturing engineering.

Si proseguirà con la premiazione per il conseguimento del patentino della robotica ai migliori studenti del Veneto, Trentino e Friuli. In seguito, si svolgeranno tre workshop paralleli a partecipanti ristretti: e.DO Experience per gruppi scolastici su prenotazione; eDO cafè, riservato al confronto con dirigenti e docenti scolastici, fondazioni, associazioni e musei; HUMANufacturing Technology con l’introduzione alla vision Comau, il nuovo esoscheletro indossabile MATE e il veicolo a guida autonoma Agile1500, riservato a piccole, media e grandi aziende e università.

La robotica è ormai un elemento tecnologico indispensabile per qualunque professione e tutti dovrebbero averne una conoscenza di base, così come per l’informatica e i telefoni cellulari.
Ccon le iniziative che abbiamo in corso, che saranno aperte alle scuole, alle aziende e agli ordini professionali, vogliamo dare un contributo importante all’alfabetizzazione robotica della città e della regione e contribuire a migliorare sia i processi produttivi delle aziende che la vita indipendente delle persone.

Prof. Paolo Fiorini

ALTAIR Robotics Lab Founder and Directior

Il robot in Fabbrica cerca “giovani assistenti!” Leggi l’articolo a questo link:

Mutamenti Epocali

Mutamenti Epocali

25/02/2019 H21:00 Aula Morgagni del Policlinico Universitario, Via Giustiniani, 2, Padova

Nuove frontiere della robotica: implicazioni umane e sociali.


A speech by Prof. Paolo Fiorini in the context of the “Mutamenti Epocali” corso di Cultura 2019 by Fondazione Ex-Antonianum, Padova.

Ex-Antonianum is an association that unites the alumni of the Antoniamun University College of Padua, in Prato della Valle, founded in 1905 by the Society of Jesus.

Full programme here