Title: Robotics in lighthouse areas
Date: 5 march 2020
Time: 14.00 – 15.30
Place: Sala 2.1, Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga
Full programme available here
The workshop will be conducted by teleconference
Due to Regional restrictions caused by the recent COVID-19 health alert, we won’t be able to attend the event, see official Press Release.
14.00 – 14.05 Introduction
by Dr Riccardo Muradore, Dr Marta Capiluppi
14.05 – 14.50 Talks
Prof Elena De Momi, Politecnico di Milano
“Smart planning and sensing for an innovative steerable robotic catheter for neurosurgery: new possibilities for advanced diagnosis”
Prof Sanja Dogramadzi, UWE Bristol
“Safety features in surgical robotics – experiences of SMARTsurg project”
Dr Gernot Kronreif, ACMIT Gmbh
“Robot autonomy: aspects from translational view”
Prof Andreas Melzer, University of Dundee
“Robotics for Image Guided Therapy and FUS”
Dr Francesco Setti, University of Verona
“Embodied AI in robotic surgery: challenges and opportunities”
14.50 – 15.30 Round table
On the future of AI+Robotics (Hospital of the future) and on the health care topic group.
Chairman: Prof Paolo Fiorini
European Robotics Forum 2020
The European Robotics Forum (ERF), the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe, will be held in Malaga, Spain, on 3-5 March 2020, at the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (FYCMA). Over 1000 European robotics top experts are expected to attend the 11th edition of the conference.
ERF2020 will host a major exhibition where companies, universities and research institutes showcase the most advanced European prototypes, products, services and projects funded under EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme.
With over 50 workshops highlighting the newest robotics research, the event will offer a unique window to the latest developments on the European markets.
Official website: www.eu-robotics.net/robotics_forum