Innovabiomed Fair Verona
Invited speakers at Innovabiomed Fair 2021, Verona
On Saturday 3rd July we will attend the Innovabiomed Fair, in Verona. We will be invited speakers at the Conference organized by Confimi Industria Healthcare entitled COLLABORATIONS BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AND ENTERPRISES FOR HEALTH CARE.
Prof. Paolo Fiorini will talk about Robotics Resources and Intelligent Health Machines, bringing his experience within Università degli Studi di Verona and I-RIM – the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines.
Conclusions will be handled by Prof. Riccardo Muradore.
Innovabiomed is an opportunity for experts in production of medical devices, professionals and researchers in the biomedical sector to meet, compare and share their knowledge and experiences.
Official website: https://www.innovabiomed.it/
Save the date!
Saturday July 3th 2021
From 14,00 pm (Vivaldi Hall)
Palaexpo Congress Center, Veronafiere
For info and participation write to sanita@confimi.it