ERF2020 – Participation cancelled

ERF2020 – Participation cancelled

Verona, 3 March 2020


Official Press Release


Due to Regional restrictions caused by the recent COVID-19 health alert, we are sorry to communicate that we won’t be able to attend the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2020 Edition in Malaga, Spain. 

For this reason the booth reserved to the University of Verona could not be set up.

The workshop “Robotics in lighthouse areas” scheduled for the 5 March, will be conducted by teleconference (see below). 

The decision was taken as a precautionary measure since the situation is evolving rapidly in both Italy and Europe.

We wish the Conference success and hope to see you all in June at the Hamlyn Symposium of Robotics for the workshop “Towards Robotic Autonomy in Surgery”.


With Regards,

Paolo Fiorini
Riccardo Muradore
Francesco Setti
Marta Capiluppi
Martina Doppio

Don't miss the workshop "Robotics in lighthouse areas"

Introduction by Dr Riccardo Muradore & Dr Marta Capiluppi
Talks by Prof Paolo Fiorini, Prof Elena De Momi, Prof Sanja Dogramadzi, Dr Gernot Kronreif,Prof Andreas Melzer, Dr Francesco Setti.

Locomotion strategies for quadruped robots – a seminar with Michele Focchi

Locomotion strategies for quadruped robots – a seminar with Michele Focchi

Date: 7 december 2018
Time: 11:00
Place: Aula Verde, Dip. Informatica
Speaker: Michele Focchi – IIT Genova

Contact Person: P. Fiorini


Legged robots are mainly designed to traverse unstructured environments where wheeled robots have limited mobility. Their applications range from nuclear decommissioning to mining, search and rescue, inspection and surveillance. In addition, they can be applied to flank human workers (or collaborate with them) in order to reduce labor accidents, as well as in elderly care. The next generation of legged robots are envisioned to operate either autonomously or semi-autonomously (through tele-operation) over uneven terrains. This requires the rejection and compensation of disturbances, the exploitation of visual feedback, and the ability to manipulate both fragile and heavy objects. The main ingredients for legged locomotion are planning, control, perception and state estimation. Numerical optimization is a promising tool for motion planning and control for legged robotic systems in complex geometry environments (e.g. multi-contact scenarios) because it enables to push the machine up to the performance limits.

Indeed, when the complexity of the terrain increases, or when the execution of the requested task involves highly dynamic motions, numerical optimization and machine learning strategies are needed to automatically find feasible trajectories and control actions that could not otherwise be determined. In this seminar I will mainly focus on the planning aspects and on different strategies to achieve effective locomotion across complex terrain.


Michele Focchi is currently a Researcher at the DLS team in IIT. He received both the Bsc. and the Msc. in Control System Engineering from Politecnico di Milano.
After gaining some R&D experience in the industry, in 2009 he joined IIT where he developed a micro-turbine for which he obtained an international patent and a prize.In 2013, he got a PhD in robotics, getting involved in the Hydraulically Actuated Quadruped Robot (HyQ) project.
He initially was developing torque controllers for locomotion purposes, subsequently he moved to higher level (whole-body) controllers and model identification. He was also investigating locomotion strategies that are robust to uncertainties and work reliably on the real platform. Currently his research interests are focused on pushing the performances of quadruped robots in traversing unstructured environments, by using optimization-based planning strategies to perform dynamic motion planning.

ALTAIR Christmas Video 2019

ALTAIR Christmas Video 2019

Our traditional Christmas Clip has just been released! We had so much fun in the making of. Enjoy and share it!

It’s Christmas Eve and the Lab is almost empty
Nobody is expecting a deadline.
An email arrives…
Will our hero decorate the Christmas tree by midnight?
Will he receive his presents?
Who is going to help him?
🎬Watch the story!

Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year from the ALTAIR Lab Team.

For more information about the technology developed in the video visit this link

Festival del Futuro

Festival del Futuro

Ethical robots to help the elderly population.

Paolo Fiorini was one of the speakers of the Festival del futuro in the session “Living healthier and longer: challenges and promises for the next decade”, talking in particular about the development of robotics to support aging.

Complete speech [IT LANG]

Robotics, home automation and sensors for an aging society? In Verona we have an excellent center in this regard. The research deals with exploiting robotics to improve and monitor treatments but also mobility, we think of exoskeletons.

But also artificial intelligence can intervene in cognitive support, in this field there are many studies in particular in support of surgery or in the recognition of the onset of diseases. We must design solutions that are respectful of ethics and communication and new types of education and training must be developed to allow the conscious use of new technologies without being dominated by them. 

Festival del Futuro

The first edition of the Festival del Futuro took place in Verona on 16 and 17 November 2019. A two-day journey and plenty of meetings with 38 future makers of our time: scientists, doctors, economists, entrepreneurs, environmental and geopolitics experts.

More information at the official website:

European Robotics Week 2019

European Robotics Week 2019

European Robotics Week 2019 at the CS Department

The Computer Science Department celebrates European Robotics Week 2019 with a calendar of events for students, families, and enthusiasts of new technologies.
Two days of events that will take place inside and outside the University environment, in collaboration with local institutions and schools from the Verona area.

A unique opportunity to get in touch with different types of robots and intelligent robotic systems and understand how these technologies are present in everyday life and within university research, accompanied by experts in the field.

All events are free entry but needs to be booked online. 

Thursday 21 November from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm

Robot @Garda ed. 3

Garda Town Hall (VR) – Lungo Lago Regina Adelaide 15, 37016 Garda VR

Third edition of the informative meeting on the use of robotics and artificial intelligence in different contexts of high social value, including water monitoring and surgical robotics. Event in collaboration with the Italian Naval League section of Garda.

During the day it will be possible to be direct spectators of demonstrations with intelligent aquatic drones for water quality monitoring (European Project INTCATCH), flying drones and advanced robotic systems used in operational activities by the State Police.


Event intended for schools with the possibility of external access.
Free entry with limited seats, online booking required.
Closing reservations: Wednesday 20 November, 12:00.
Book your place here

Detailed Program

ore 9:00 – Tendostruttura – Saluto delle Autorità;
ore 9:20 – Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Informatica:
– Prof. Alessandro Farinelli: Droni acquatici intelligenti per il monitoraggio delle acque
– Prof. Paolo Fiorini: Robot chirurgici intelligenti
ore 10:20 – Dimostrazione pratica:
– Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Informatica: droni acquatici sviluppati nel progetto INTCATCH 2020
– Polizia di Stato: robot per attività operative
– Polizia di Stato: mezzi in dotazione
ore 12:30 PAUSA PRANZO
ore 13:30 – Polizia Locale Unione Colline Mantovane:
– Com.te Emanuele Feudatari: strumenti innovativi in uso alla Polizia Locale – Drone Aereo
ore 14:00 – Polizia di Stato
– Com.te Andrea Erculiani – prevenzione, monitoraggio e repressione reati ambientali
ore 14:50 – AGS Azienda Gardesana Servizi – Ing. Alberto Cordioli: innovazione e tutela del Garda dalla Citizen Science al nuovo Collettore del Garda e Contratto di lago – dati raccolti con il monitoraggio droni della mattina Ore 15:30 Fine lavori
• Area “diga” del porto
Drone acquatico autonomo INTCATCH – Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Informatica
• Arenetta
Robot di intervento – Polizia di Stato
• Pontile Navigarda lato Bardolino Acquascooter e mezzi in dotazione – Polizia di Stato

Friday, November 22nd, from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Open Lab at ALTAIR Robotics Lab

Robotics and new technologies enthusiasts will be led by researchers from the ALTAIR Lab to discover the main research areas of the Laboratory: surgical robotics, collaborative robots for industry 4.0, rehabilitation robots. During the visit it will also be possible to watch live demonstrations of the robots currently in use in the Laboratory.

The ALTAIR robotics laboratory is an Italian center of excellence in the research and development of advanced and unconventional robotics systems, from teleoperation to autonomous behavior, founded in 2001 by Paolo Fiorini, professor of computer science, within the Computer Science Department of University of Verona. Over the years ALTAIR has been awarded several Italian and European grants developing a wide knowledge in the field of robotic surgery.
In the last years with the coming of Industry 4.0 and the introduction of robots within companies, the laboratory has opened its research to cooperative robots for industry, human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence.


Duration of the tour: 45 minutes
Free entry with limited seats, online booking required.
Closing reservations: Thursday 21 November, 12:00.
Book your place here 

Friday, November 22nd, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Scientific Aperitif

An informal occasion to meet professors and researchers of the ALTAIR Laboratory and to discuss scientific topics as well as ongoing and future projects while enjoying an aperitif.

Facebook Event: