ERF2020 – Participation cancelled
Verona, 3 March 2020
Official Press Release
Due to Regional restrictions caused by the recent COVID-19 health alert, we are sorry to communicate that we won’t be able to attend the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2020 Edition in Malaga, Spain.
For this reason the booth reserved to the University of Verona could not be set up.
The workshop “Robotics in lighthouse areas” scheduled for the 5 March, will be conducted by teleconference (see below).
The decision was taken as a precautionary measure since the situation is evolving rapidly in both Italy and Europe.
We wish the Conference success and hope to see you all in June at the Hamlyn Symposium of Robotics for the workshop “Towards Robotic Autonomy in Surgery”.
With Regards,
Paolo Fiorini
Riccardo Muradore
Francesco Setti
Marta Capiluppi
Martina Doppio
Don't miss the workshop "Robotics in lighthouse areas"
Introduction by Dr Riccardo Muradore & Dr Marta Capiluppi
Talks by Prof Paolo Fiorini, Prof Elena De Momi, Prof Sanja Dogramadzi, Dr Gernot Kronreif,Prof Andreas Melzer, Dr Francesco Setti.