ALTAIR research projects


Force control algorithm testbench

The FORECAST project focuses on benchmarking force control algorithms for robotic locomotion applications such as exoskeletons and humanoids. Force control algorithms allow robots to adapt their movements to the surrounding environment and to delicately (softly) interact with humans. This characteristic is fundamental in the increasingly frequent scenarios of collaboration between human and robot (eg rehabilitative or assistive robotics) or in the case of uncertain environments (eg disaster recovery).
As a result, tools will be developed to help robot designers choose the best force control algorithms and to define standardized metrics for their evaluation.

The FORECAST project is funded by the European Union, Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, through an Open Call issued by the EUROBENCH Project. 
The EUROBENCH project aims at creating the first benchmarking framework for robotic systems in Europe. 

The Forecast Ecosystem

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The Forecast modular mechanical setup to experimentally test force control algorithms.

The Forcast modular electronic interface based on EtherCat communication and a real-time control library running on a RT Linux machine.

Cost: about 1.000 euro, power electronics excluded.

A low-cost version of electronics based on embedded hard real-time control library. This will allow researcher across the world to affordably replicate the Forecast benchmarching system.

Cost: about 150 euro, power electronics excluded.

The Graphical User Interface to run our benchmarking experiments (low-cost version)

ALTAIR People involved

Andrea Calanca

Andrea Calanca

Associate Professor

Eldison Dimo

Eldison Dimo

Rudy Vicario

Rudy Vicario

Alumni 2021

Noè Murr

Noè Murr

Alumni 2021

Guglielmo Zanni

Guglielmo Zanni

Research Assistant

Matteo Meneghetti

Matteo Meneghetti

Research Assistant

Enrico Sartori

Enrico Sartori

Alumni 2019

ALTAIR projects

Altair research is carried on with the help of EU and Italian grants, discover our research projects!